Why Rhino Shield
When you choose Rhino Shield for your home exterior, you’re not choosing to have just another paint job. Rhino Shield combines a premium coating product with extreme preparation to deliver “the ultimate paint job”. Unlike typical house painters we take numerous added steps during the preparation phase and complete the job using our unique adhesive primer and long-lasting ceramic top-coat. The end-result is a beautiful surface that we guarantee to never chip, peel or crack. Simply put, Rhino Shield is far more durable than tradition latex house paint.
Thank you for considering Rhino Shield for the exterior of your home. To schedule a free estimate please click here. We invite you to browse the links below to learn more about the process and science behind America’s leading ceramic paint brand.
How is Rhino Shield different from typical paint?
Can you buy Rhino Shield paint?
List of Rhino Shield coatings and primers
25-year weathering test results
Rhino Shield’s 11-Step installation process
Rhino Shield’s unlimited color choices