Revitalize Your Needham, MA, Home or Business with America’s Longest-Lasting Exterior Paint
As you’ve been comparing your different options for painting your home or business, you’ve likely been focusing mostly on what company will provide the best service. And while service certainly is important, have you considered the quality of the paint the companies will be using? Unfortunately, when you’re looking at run-of-the-mill painting companies, there really isn’t much difference to be found. They all use conventional exterior paint that looks nice when first applied but then begins to gradually break down after just a few years, forcing you to repeatedly paint your home or business if you want to keep it looking nice over time.
Discover the Rhino Shield Difference
By every meaningful measure, Rhino Shield’s exterior wall coatings excel where conventional paint falls short. We’ve thoughtfully formulated our coatings using high-performance ingredients that ensure far greater durability than regular exterior paint provides. For instance, tiny ceramic microspheres in our coatings pack together tightly to form a robust, weather-resistant layer of color that will reliably resist the cracking, chipping, and peeling that commonly plagues conventional exterior paint. What’s more, an EPA-registered mildewcide prevents mold from growing on your exterior walls, sparing you an unpleasant visual detraction and also helping to protect your property from damage.
With a Rhino Shield coating applied, you’ll either greatly postpone or completely eliminate the need to repaint. So, it’s no wonder why so many home and business owners are thrilled with the fantastic long-term value that our coatings provide. Furthermore, our customers appreciate the dedicated service that our team delivers throughout the painting process, from our free consultations to our custom color matching options and our rigorous procedures for applying our wall coatings. Start working with our team and we believe you’ll quickly understand why we hold an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.
Contact Rhino Shield Today
Want to give your home or a business an exterior paint job that you can count on lasting through the years? Then consult with the Rhino Shield team. Call us today to schedule a free consultation and price quote for your exterior painting project in Needham, MA.