The Longest-Lasting Exterior Paint Available in Stamford, CT
At Rhino Shield, we believe that you deserve to always have an attractive paint job on your home or business. However, conventional exterior paint often makes this goal difficult to achieve. While ordinary paint will look nice when first applied, it will commonly begin to show signs of damage after just a few years, forcing you to either tolerate diminished curb appeal or continually repaint your exterior walls.
Fortunately, Rhino Shield has forged a better way. Through an extensive research and development campaign, we’ve formulated an innovative elastomeric coating that looks like paint when first applied but offers far superior durability and longevity. As many years of real-world use and intensive laboratory testing has shown, our coatings far outperform regular exterior paint in every meaningful way, providing incredible value to the homeowners we serve in Stamford, Connecticut, and beyond.
The Many Benefits of Rhino Shield Wall Coatings
A combination of high-performance ingredients and rigorous application methods gives Rhino Shield coatings their many special attributes. Choose Rhino Shield to:
End the Burdensome Repainting Cycle
A Rhino Shield coating will either greatly postpone or completely eliminate your need to repaint again in the future, saving you a significant amount of money and hassle over time.
Prevent Water Damage
Rhino Shield exterior paint can be applied to virtually any building material — concrete, wood, brick, vinyl, or metal — and it helps to seal out moisture, protecting these surfaces from water damage.
Keep Mold at Bay
Mold not only looks unappealing, it can also cause significant damage to your exterior walls. For this reason, Rhino Shield coatings feature a special EPA-registered mildewcide that prevents mold growth.
Insulate Your Indoor Space
Your Rhino Shield coating will serve as an added layer of insulation on your exterior walls, helping your HVAC system maintain a comfortable temperature. The coating can also provide noise insulation that will minimize the extent that bothersome outdoor noises can be heard within your home or business.
Want to give your home or business an exterior paint job that you’ll be thrilled with long into the future? Then don’t settle for anything less than an ultra-durable Rhino Shield wall coating. Contact our team today to schedule a free consultation and price quote for your project in Stamford, CT.