What Makes Rhino Shield the Most Durable House Paint Available in Meriden, CT?
When you’re planning to have a fresh new layer of color applied to your home, you probably assume that you don’t have a viable alternative to regular latex house paint, which looks nice when first applied but then begins to lose its luster within just a few years. However, what if you found out there’s a better option available?
With a permanent Rhino Shield coating, you can have your Meriden, Connecticut, home coated in the exact colors you want, giving your residence the beautiful refresh that a new paint job provides, except this layer of color will hold up far better than ordinary house paint, either significantly delaying or eliminating the need to repaint again. Rhino Shield coatings boast such incredible resilience and long-lasting value because of their:
High-Performance Materials
Paint is only as good as the ingredients it contains, and when you compare Rhino Shield to ordinary house paint, you’ll see that the difference is night and day. While regular paint consists largely of water and filler, Rhino Shield is jam-packed with ceramic microspheres and other substances that help give the coatings their strength. These durable ingredients prevent deterioration caused by sun, rain, and other weather conditions, while resisting the growth of algae and mold. They also help insulate your home, which could potentially reduce your energy costs.
Rigorous Application Process
When looking to apply a weatherproof coating to your home, there’s no substitute for ensuring that the substrate (your home’s exterior) is in the proper condition so that the coating will adhere securely. For this reason, our highly trained team follows a painstakingly detailed procedure for repairing, cleaning, and priming your exterior walls before the main coating is applied. Then, we’ll administer a Rhino Shield top coat that’s 8-10 times thicker than ordinary house paint. When you take all this into account, it’s no wonder that Rhino Shield has such reliable durability and is known as America’s longest-lasting paint.
To end the intensive repainting cycle once and for all, contact Rhino Shield today. It would be our pleasure to provide you with a free consultation and price quote for having our ultra-durable house paint applied to your Meriden, CT, home.