House Painters Unlike Any Others in Lexington, MA
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re researching the different house painters serving Lexington, Massachusetts, and trying to decide which would be the best company to hire for your upcoming painting project. However, these companies probably all seem quite similar. So, what are you supposed to do?
Turn your attention to Rhino Shield, the only painting company using America’s longest-lasting exterior paint. We’ll give your home an exterior wall coating that will last for many years to come, likely eliminating the need for you to ever repaint.
Why Choose a Rhino Shield Wall Coating Instead of Conventional Paint?
The house painters at Rhino Shield exclusively use proprietary elastomeric wall coatings when performing residential painting services. These coatings feature a far higher solids content than paint, as well as ultra-resilient materials such as ceramic microspheres that give the coatings their strength. Choose a Rhino Shield coating to benefit from:
Greater Longevity
Conventional paint looks nice when first applied, but quickly begins to deteriorate and lose its luster. In contrast, Rhino Shield exterior wall coatings effectively resist cracking, chipping, peeling, and other damage to provide a greater return on your investment.
Protection From Water Damage
Water from rain, condensation, and sprinklers threatens to inflict significant damage on your home’s exterior walls. Our team of house painters will help prevent this damage when we apply a Rhino Shield coating to seal your walls and prevent moisture infiltration.
Mold Growth Prevention
Mold growth doesn’t only diminish the appearance of your exterior walls, but it can also damage them. Our wall coatings prevent mold growth thanks to an EPA-registered mildewcide that we include in our proprietary formulation.
Make Us Your Painting Company
End the burdensome repainting cycle once and for all by having Rhino Shield’s house painters apply a long-lasting ceramic wall coating to your home. Contact us today to learn more about our residential painting services, as well as the convenient financing options that we offer to qualified customers in Lexington, MA.