What Makes Rhino Shield the Preferred House Painters Serving Needham, MA?
How would you like to have house painters revitalize your Needham, Massachusetts, home with a long-lasting wall coating that can eliminate your need to paint again? While this proposition may sound too good to be true, it isn’t when you choose Rhino Shield as your painting company.
As independent laboratory testing has shown and countless area homeowners can attest, our ceramic wall coatings far outperform conventional painting solutions. The incredible long-term value that our residential painting services provide has made us the premier house painters serving the local community.
America’s Most Durable Exterior Wall Coatings
To understand why our ceramic wall coatings perform so well, you must take into account the ways they differ from ordinary paint. For instance, while regular exterior paint consists mostly of water and inexpensive fillers, the ceramic coatings that our house painters use feature a far higher solids content, which includes high-performance materials, such as ceramic microspheres.
What’s more, we utilize a special primer to ensure strong adhesion and apply our Rhino Shield exterior wall coatings up to 10 times thicker than the paint conventional house painters use when they paint homes. This practice produces a coating that effectively prevents cracking, chipping, peeling, and other damage. In fact, our coatings hold up so well that they come backed by a lifetime warranty so that you can have complete protection for your investment.
Partner With a Painting Company That Ensures Amazing Results
If you want to give your home a beautiful paint job that will truly last through the years, then you want to hire the house painters at Rhino Shield. Contact us today to learn more about the residential painting services we offer in Needham, MA, as well as the financing options available to qualified customers.