We Offer the Longest-Lasting House Painting Solution Available in Duxbury, MA
It’s great having your home freshly painted. The project will give your home a clean appearance in the color scheme of your choice. However, your satisfaction with your paint job will undoubtedly begin to decrease as the paint starts to crack, chip, or peel within a few years’ time. In the past, you had no choice but to accept this diminished appearance or hire a house painting company to once again repaint your Duxbury, Massachusetts, home. That is, until Rhino Shield upended the residential painting industry with its long-lasting elastomeric wall coatings that greatly postpone or completely eliminate the need to repaint.
How Our Wall Coatings Outperform Regular House Paint
When you consider the resilient materials that make up a Rhino Shield wall coating and the meticulous procedures we follow during the application process, it should come as no surprise that our house painting solution lasts far longer than the industry norm. Unlike ordinary house paint, which consists largely of water and cheap fillers, Rhino Shield coatings are made from high-performance ingredients, such as ceramic microspheres that pack together tightly to form a robust layer of protection on your home’s exterior walls.
In addition to preventing the deterioration that occurs with run-of-the-mill house paint, your new Rhino Shield wall coating will also:
- Save you significant money in repainting costs
- Insulate your house to help maintain a comfortable indoor temperature
- Prevent the growth of mold and mildew thanks to an EPA-registered mildewcide
- Seal your exterior walls to protect them from moisture damage
Schedule Your Free Consultation
If you like what you’ve learned so far about Rhino Shield coatings, just wait until you hear the rest. Contact Rhino Shield to schedule a free consultation and learn more about the house painting services we offer in Duxbury, MA.