The House Painting Services You Need for Your Marshfield, MA, Home
Is the paint on the exterior of your Marshfield, Massachusetts, home looking worse for wear? If so, Rhino Shield of New England is ready to help with our industry-leading house painting services. Our exterior paint jobs outperform those of our competitors because we don’t use the traditional latex paint that most other companies do. For maximum adhesion and longevity, we use our unique ceramic elastomeric wall coatings. These exterior coatings are proven to look better and last longer on homes than latex exterior paint, and we back our residential jobs with an impressive lifetime warranty.
The Painting Process
You can expect Rhino Shield of New England to follow the following steps before and during the application of our exterior coating to your home:
- Consultation – We’ll discuss the benefits our coatings offer over traditional exterior paint and help you explore the 1,500 colors we have available for your choosing.
- Preparation – To prep your home, we’ll pressure wash, scrape, repair, and caulk as necessary. This is critical to the process because it helps the coating go on smoothly and adhere to your walls.
- Painting – Our experts will prime and paint your walls using a multi-layered coating system. This includes a primer and a top coat to prevent deterioration.
Learn More
Would you like to get started updating your Marshfield, MA, home with our industry-leading exterior coating? If so, contact Rhino Shield of New England today to schedule your free consultation to learn more about our house painting services.