The House Painting Experts to Trust in Middletown, CT
Rhino Shield of New England offers industry-leading exterior house painting services to homeowners in the Middletown, Connecticut, area. The propriety ceramic wall coatings we utilize for all exterior painting jobs continue to look great for much longer than the typical latex paint that most other companies use. This means that you won’t need to call another company to come out and repaint your home in a few years, but can instead sit back and enjoy the beautiful color that you selected for your home. When you turn to us for house painting services, you will benefit from enhanced value and curb appeal at your home for many years to come.
Step One: Consultation
We’ll begin the house painting process with an initial consultation. During this meeting, we’ll speak with you about our reputable company, as well as the industry-leading exterior wall coatings we utilize. We’ll also help you navigate the 1,500 color options we offer and explain how our color matching service works.
Step Two: Preparation
Before we apply our industry-leading coating to your home, we’ll get some prep work done to ensure a flawless application. Depending on your needs, this process may include pressure washing, repairs, scraping, or caulking. Our team won’t stop until your home is in the ideal condition for painting.
Step Three: Painting
After your home is prepped, we’ll begin the painting process. This includes a special primer to prevent moisture damage and ensure that the color adheres to your home smoothly. We’ll end with our finish coat, which is 8-10 times thicker than standard exterior paint and will look like new on your home for many years to come.
Contact Rhino Shield of New England today for more information about why we are the ideal company to handle the exterior house painting job at your home in Middletown, CT.