House Painting Professionals You Can Trust in Newton, MA
Finding a trustworthy house painting company is no easy feat. There are a number of inexperienced painters out there, after all, and it’s difficult to separate them from the reliable companies. To avoid the headache of a poorly done paint job, trust your project to the experts at Rhino Shield of New England. We’re a longstanding house painting company that’s been in business since 2005, and our ceramic elastomeric wall coatings have been applied on thousands of homes across America. Thanks to the exceptional quality of our coatings, as well as the world-class customer service that we provide, we hold an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau that has never wavered.
Why Choose a Rhino Shield Coating?
Rhino Shield is one of the most trusted brands in the house painting industry thanks to the superior quality of our products. The ceramic elastomeric wall coatings that we apply offer exceptional:
Unlike typical house paint that only lasts for three to five years, our coatings can last for decades without peeling or chipping. Their durability has been proven through independent testing by BASF Labs, and we offer lifetime warranties for added peace of mind.
Energy Efficient
When you partner with us for house painting, you won’t only be beautifying your home, you’ll also be improving its energy efficiency. Our coatings reflect UV rays and can boost your home’s overall thermal performance.
Of course, curb appeal is a top consideration when investing in house painting services, and you want a product that looks beautiful on your home. We offer unlimited colors and can match your current paint or help you choose a gorgeous new look.
Start Your Project
Rhino Shield of New England is here to help with all of your house painting needs. Contact us today to learn more about what sets our painters apart. We would be happy to schedule a free consultation at your home in Newton, MA.