Residential & Commercial Painting Contractor Serving Meriden, CT
Compare the painting contractors serving Meriden, Connecticut, and you’ll likely find that they all essentially seem the same. That is, except for Rhino Shield of New England. We stand apart for offering a far longer-lasting exterior painting solution than you’ll find anywhere else.
How do we eliminate the need to repaint? For starters, we utilize ultra-durable ceramic elastomeric wall coatings instead of conventional latex paint.
But even the finest wall coatings need to be thoroughly applied to perform as desired. For this reason, our team performs a far more rigorous installation process than most painting contractors do. To give your home or a business an exterior wall coating that will hold up incredibly well through the years, we will:
- Pressure wash away dirt, oils, and debris
- Perform minor repairs
- Caulk seams and joints
- Apply our special Rhino Shield primer, which will seal the substrate and serve as a bonding agent for the finish coat
- Revitalize your exterior walls with a heavy-duty finish coat that’s 8-10 times thicker than ordinary paint
Choose the Smart Exterior Painting Solution
As extensive laboratory testing and countless satisfied customers can attest, our painting services offer incredible value for your investment. Do you want to keep your home or business looking better longer while saving thousands in long-term painting costs? Then you won’t want to partner with any painting contractor other than Rhino Shield of New England.
Contact us today to learn more about the residential and commercial painting services we offer in Meriden, CT.