Residential & Commercial Painting Services in Waterbury, CT
First impressions are important. We know that you take great pride in your home and business, but if the traditional paint job on the exterior is starting to crack, fade, or lose its luster, it can potentially influence people’s first impressions in a negative way. Maybe it’s time to consider a longer-lasting solution.
Rhino Shield is the “Ultimate Paint Jobâ€, and our ceramic elastomeric coating keeps the exterior of your Waterbury, Connecticut, home or business looking first-impression fresh for years to come.
Trusted Exterior Painting Contractors Delivering Long-Term Value
The first step in the Rhino Shield painting service process is to make sure that the exterior of your home or business is prepared and primed to effectively receive our ceramic elastomeric coating. This step involves pressure washing your exterior walls to remove any dirt, oils, and other foreign materials that could prevent the coating from securely bonding to the surface.
We then repair and caulk any seams or joints to help ensure that we’re starting with a complete, even surface. By applying our proprietary Rhino Shield primer, we’re able to make sure that your home or business is protected from water damage. This primer coat also acts as the perfect binding agent for the finish coat.
Finally, our skilled business and house painting service professionals will apply the heavy-duty Rhino Shield finish coat, resulting in a robust layer of color that’s 8-10 times thicker than a traditional coat of paint. This increased durability ensures that the beautiful exterior your home or business is protected from harsh weather for years to come.
Your Final Exterior Painting Solution Is Within Reach
Rhino Shield of New England is proud to provide home and business owners in Waterbury, CT, with the last exterior painting solution they’ll ever need. Contact us today to discover if our exterior painting service is the right solution for your home or business.