Privacy Policy
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Privacy Policy | Rhino Shield of New England

Rhino Shield of NE is committed to protecting online user privacy. In order to ensure your privacy, information Rhino Shield of NE collects through our web site at www.gorhinoshield.com (“Site”) is used only in the manner and for the purposes described in this Rhino Shield of NE Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy.”)

User Consent to Privacy Policy

Any person accessing, browsing, or otherwise using the Site, either manually or via an automated device or program, shall be considered a “User.” All Users are bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy. Users consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of personally identifiable User information (“Information”) pursuant to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Information Collected from Users

Rhino Shield of NE collects the email address of Users that email a question or comment to Rhino Shield of NE or submit a customer review.

Rhino Shield of NE collects the billing and shipping addresses, including relevant e-mail, phone and credit card numbers and expiration dates of Users who purchase a product from Rhino Shield of NE through the Site. This includes Users who register to become Rhino Shield of NE members or enter any Rhino Shield of NE contests or other promotional features available on the Site.

Through the use of “cookies” (For more information regarding Cookies, see below), Rhino Shield of NE may collect and store anonymous information relating to Users’ browsing patterns, including, for instance, the User’s browser version, site referral information, IP address, operating system, and other technical Site use information.


The Site uses a feature of Internet Web browsers called a Cookie, which is a file that a User’s Web browser places on a User’s computer’s hard drive, to assign an identification code to the computer and to collect anonymous browsing information. On this Site, cookies are used in conjunction with session variables to track a User’s shopping cart and expire as soon as an order is completed or if a shopping cart sits idle for a lengthy period without being checked-out.

Rhino Shield of NE does not use Cookies to retrieve Information about Users from a User’s computer unless the User knowingly and willingly provided such Information.

You may set your Internet Web browser to notify you when you receive a cookie or to prevent cookies from being sent. If you prevent a cookie from being sent, you may limit the functionality Rhino Shield of NE can provide you when you visit the Site, especially when purchasing an item on the Site.

Use of Information

Rhino Shield of NE uses the Information collected from its Users to:

  • Respond to Users’ questions or comments;
  • Administer a User’s contest entry or entry in other promotional feature;
  • Fulfill a User’s purchase request and notify Users of their order status; and
  • Provide Users with important functionality changes to the Site, new Rhino Shield of NE services and special offers we think you will find valuable.

Disclosure of Information to Third Parties

Unless we have your consent or except as required or permitted by law, Rhino Shield of NE will not sell, share, trade or give away any Information that it collects or receives regarding its Users.

Rhino Shield of NE may disclose information about our Users to others if we have a good faith belief that we are required to do so by law or legal process, to respond to claims, or to protect the rights, property or safety of Rhino Shield of NE or others. Rhino Shield of NE may disclose Information to third party in the event that a third party acquires Rhino Shield of NE or its assets. (See, Sale or Acquisition section below.)

Linked Internet Web Sites

The Site may provide hyperlinks, which are highlighted words or pictures within a hypertext document that, when clicked, take you to another place within the document, to another document altogether, or may take you to a third party website not controlled by Rhino Shield of NE. These hyperlinked third party websites may collect and disclose Information different than this Site. Rhino Shield of NE is not responsible for the collection, use, or disclosure of information collected through these web sites, and Rhino Shield of NE expressly disclaims any and all liability related to such collection, use, or disclosure.


The Rhino Shield of NE Site is not directed towards children under 18 years of age and Rhino Shield of NE does not knowingly collect any information from children under 18 years of age through the Site.


Rhino Shield of NE has security measures to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the Information under our control, including credit card information that is submitted to Rhino Shield of NE When Users place orders or access their account information, the Site uses secure server software (SSL), which encrypts all information Users’ input before it is sent to us. Thus, we have taken steps to protect the Information we collect from you from unauthorized access. Unfortunately, no system is perfect; therefore, Rhino Shield of NE makes no representations or warranties with regard to the sufficiency of these security measures. Rhino Shield of NE shall not be responsible for any actual or consequential damages that result from a lapse in compliance with this Privacy Policy because of a security breach or technical malfunction.

Sale or Acquisition

In the event that another company acquires Rhino Shield of NE or all or part of its assets, we reserve the right to include Information among the assets transferred to the acquiring company.

Applicable Law/International Issues

Information that is submitted to this Site will be collected, processed, stored, disclosed and disposed of in accordance with applicable U.S. law. If you are a non-U.S. User, you acknowledge and agree that we may collect and use your Information, as discussed above, outside your resident jurisdiction. In addition, such Information may be stored on servers located outside your resident jurisdiction. U.S. law may not provide the degree of protection for Information that is available in other countries. By providing us with your Information, you acknowledge that your have read this Privacy Policy, understand it, agree to its terms and consent to the transfer of such Information outside your resident jurisdiction. If you do not consent to the terms of this Policy, please do not use this Site, but if you have already provided us with Information, please contact us and let us know how you would like us to handle such information.

Amendments to Privacy Policy

Rhino Shield of NE reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy periodically.

See It to Believe It
Norwood, MA Project
After extreme preparation we apply a patented adhesive primer and a thick ceramic based top-coat that is far more durable than traditional house paint, and we warranty the durability on every job.
After extreme preparation we apply a patented adhesive primer and a thick ceramic based top-coat that is far more durable than traditional house paint, and we warranty the durability on every job.
Keysville, FL Project
After extreme preparation we apply a patented adhesive primer and a thick ceramic based top-coat that is far more durable than traditional house paint, and we warranty the durability on every job.
After extreme preparation we apply a patented adhesive primer and a thick ceramic based top-coat that is far more durable than traditional house paint, and we warranty the durability on every job.
Johnston, RI Project
What makes Rhino Shield more durable is our combination of preparation and product. As shown in this recent project photo, we give great attention to prepping every surface before spraying the 1st primer coat.
After extreme preparation we apply a patented adhesive primer and a thick ceramic based top-coat that is far more durable than traditional house paint, and we warranty the durability on every job.
Hanover, MA Project
What makes Rhino Shield more durable is our combination of preparation and product. As shown in this recent project photo, we give great attention to prepping every surface before spraying the 1st primer coat.
After extreme preparation we apply a patented adhesive primer and a thick ceramic based top-coat that is far more durable than traditional house paint, and we warranty the durability on every job.
Patterson, NJ Project
What makes Rhino Shield more durable is our combination of preparation and product. As shown in this recent project photo, we give great attention to prepping every surface before spraying the 1st primer coat.
After extreme preparation we apply a patented adhesive primer and a thick ceramic based top-coat that is far more durable than traditional house paint, and we warranty the durability on every job.
East Hartford, CT Project
What makes Rhino Shield more durable is our combination of preparation and product. As shown in this recent project photo, we give great attention to prepping every surface before spraying the 1st primer coat.
After extreme preparation we apply a patented adhesive primer and a thick ceramic based top-coat that is far more durable than traditional house paint, and we warranty the durability on every job.
Arlington, MA Project
What makes Rhino Shield more durable is our combination of preparation and product. As shown in this recent project photo, we give great attention to prepping every surface before spraying the 1st primer coat.
After extreme preparation we apply a patented adhesive primer and a thick ceramic based top-coat that is far more durable than traditional house paint, and we warranty the durability on every job.
Financing Has Never Been Easier
We offer hassle-free financing, because you shouldn't have to settle when it comes to the look of your property.
Start Here
Unbeatable Warranty
Not only do we promise our product will last, we offer a 25 year warranty on your commercial property to ensure your satisfaction with our product for the long haul.
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Check Out Rhino Shield in Action
Watch Rhino Shield on This Old House
Watch Rhino Shield on the PBS series This Old House. Most homes don't require the complete restoration shown in the video, but all Rhino projects receive a higher level of preparation than typical paint companies perform.
Rhino Shield for Oceanfront Homes
Learn more about Rhino Shield by watching this informative clip. You’ll see how the formulation of our products and our careful application process can enhance your home’s beauty while helping to protect it from the elements.
Rhino Shield on HGTV
Watch Rhino Shield on the program Curb Appeal on HGTV. See for yourself how our product performs beautifully over a brick exterior and dramatically improves the appearance of this home.
Stop Painting Year after Year
Check out how the application of Rhino Shield helps to take this home from shabby to chic! With ceramic microspheres integrated into the coating, our products provide long-lasting, low-maintenance color.
Rhino Shield Historic Preservation
Watch Rhino Shield as we recently completed work and a total exterior restoration of the Dighton Community Church in Massachusetts. The church, built 170-years ago, replaced their failing paint with a durable Rhino Shield coating.
Watch Rhino Shield on This Old House
Watch Rhino Shield on the PBS series This Old House. Most homes don't require the complete restoration shown in the video, but all Rhino projects receive a higher level of preparation than typical paint companies perform.
Rhino Shield for Oceanfront Homes
Learn more about Rhino Shield by watching this informative clip. You’ll see how the formulation of our products and our careful application process can enhance your home’s beauty while helping to protect it from the elements.
Rhino Shield on HGTV
Watch Rhino Shield on the program Curb Appeal on HGTV. See for yourself how our product performs beautifully over a brick exterior and dramatically improves the appearance of this home.
Stop Painting Year after Year
Check out how the application of Rhino Shield helps to take this home from shabby to chic! With ceramic microspheres integrated into the coating, our products provide long-lasting, low-maintenance color.
Rhino Shield Historic Preservation
Watch Rhino Shield as we recently completed work and a total exterior restoration of the Dighton Community Church in Massachusetts. The church, built 170-years ago, replaced their failing paint with a durable Rhino Shield coating.
Watch Rhino Shield on This Old House
Watch Rhino Shield on the PBS series This Old House. Most homes don't require the complete restoration shown in the video, but all Rhino projects receive a higher level of preparation than typical paint companies perform.
Rhino Shield for Oceanfront Homes
Learn more about Rhino Shield by watching this informative clip. You’ll see how the formulation of our products and our careful application process can enhance your home’s beauty while helping to protect it from the elements.
Rhino Shield on HGTV
Watch Rhino Shield on the program Curb Appeal on HGTV. See for yourself how our product performs beautifully over a brick exterior and dramatically improves the appearance of this home.
Stop Painting Year after Year
Check out how the application of Rhino Shield helps to take this home from shabby to chic! With ceramic microspheres integrated into the coating, our products provide long-lasting, low-maintenance color.
Rhino Shield Historic Preservation
Watch Rhino Shield as we recently completed work and a total exterior restoration of the Dighton Community Church in Massachusetts. The church, built 170-years ago, replaced their failing paint with a durable Rhino Shield coating.
Invest in Your Property
At Rhino Shield we proudly back our work with a lifetime warranty on residential projects and a 25-year warranty on commercial work. That’s because our coatings’ unrivaled durability make them a smart choice for everyone from homeowners to well-known companies such as Disney, Comfort Inn, and NASCAR. Our customers feel confident knowing that their paint job will stand the test of time.
Long Lasting Coating
Long Lasting Coating
Less hassle, and easier to maintain, Rhino Shield helps with wood repairs, sealing, and caulking for a long lasting finish that will hold unlike any other paint product.
Rhino Shield is a low-e product that reduces thermal conductivity which provides additional insulation to your property. Save on your next energy bill.
Unlimited Colors
Unlimited Colors
No more hassle. We can match any current exterior paint color. Whether you’re looking for an existing color or new one, we’ve got you covered.
Have the confidence to revive your property with the security of a lasting warranty. The decision to choose Rhino Shield for your property has never been easier.
Superior Service